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High Plains

This EPA Level III ecoregion encompasses all or part of 51 counties in western and northwestern Texas. It extends west into New Mexico and north across western Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, eastern Colorado, into southwestern South Dakota and southeastern Wyoming. In Texas, this ecoregion is commonly referred to as the Llano Estacado, a mostly flat plateau of short grass prairie. It covers approximately the same area as the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department’s High Plains vegetative region. This collection lists only those taxa found in the Texas portion of the High Plains ecoregion.

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Symphyotrichum lanceolatumWhitepanicle Aster
Panicled Aster
Lanceleaf Aster
White Panicle Aster
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum ssp. hesperiumWhite Panicle Aster
Symphyotrichum oblongifoliumAromatic Aster
Aromatic American Aster
Fall Aster
Wild Blue Aster
Shale Aster
Symphoricarpos occidentalisWestern Snowberry
Symphyotrichum praealtumWillowleaf Aster
Symphyotrichum praealtum var. praealtumWillowleaf Aster
Tall Aster
Tetraneuris acaulisStemless Four-nerve Daisy
Stemless Hymenoxys
Tetraneuris acaulis var. acaulisStemless Four-nerve Daisy
Stemless Goldflower
Stemless Rubber Weed
Butte Marigold
Teucrium canadenseAmerican Germander
Canada Germander
Canadian Germander
Hairy Germander
Wood Sage
Teucrium canadense var. canadenseCanada Germander
Tetraclea coulteriCoulter's Wrinklefruit
Teucrium laciniatumLacy Germander
Cut-leaf Germander
Dwarf Germander
Tetraneuris linearifoliaFineleaf Fournerved Daisy
Slender-leaf Hymenoxys
Tetraneuris scaposaFour-nerve Daisy
Stemmy Four-nerve Daisy
Yellow Daisy
Tetraneuris scaposa var. scaposaFour-nerve Daisy
Stemmy Four-nerve Daisy
Tephrosia virginianaGoat's Rue
Virginia Tephrosia
Devil's Shoestring
Thymophylla acerosaPrickly-leaf Dogweed
Texas Dogweed
Shrubby Dogweed
Prickleleaf Dogweed
Prickleaf Dogweed
Fetid Marigold
Scrubby Dogweed
Thalictrum dasycarpumPurple Meadow-rue
Tall Meadow-rue
Meadow Rue
Thelesperma filifoliumStiff Greenthread
Thelesperma filifolium var. intermediumStiff Greenthread
Thelesperma megapotamicumHopi Tea Greenthread
Green Threads
Navajo Tea
Thymophylla pentachaetaParralena
Fiveneedle Pricklyleaf
Five-needle Fetid Marigold
Thymophylla pentachaeta var. pentachaetaParralena
Fiveneedle Pricklyleaf
Thelesperma simplicifoliumSlender Greenthread
Navajo Tea
Thamnosma texanaTexas Desert-rue
Dutchman's Breeches
Rue Of The Mountains
Ruda Del Monte
Thymophylla tenuilobaBristleleaf Pricklyleaf
Thymophylla tenuiloba var. tenuilobaBristleleaf Pricklyleaf
Thelypodium wrightiiWright's Thelypody
Wright Thelypody
Tiquilia canescensWoody Crinklemat
Shrubby Coldenia
Shrubby Tiquilia
Tiquilia canescens var. canescensWoolly Crinklemat
Woody Crinklemat
Dog's Ear
Oreja De Perro
Rat's Ear Coldenia
Woody Tiquilia
Gray Tiquilia
Gray Coldenia
Shrubby Coldenia
Tiquilia greggiiPlumed Crinklemat
Plume Tiquilia
Plume Coldenia
Gregg Coldenia
Hierba Del Cenizo
Tiquilia hispidissimaHairy Crinklemat
Hairy Coldenia
Hairy Tiquilia
Tidestromia lanuginosaWoolly Tidestromia
Townsendia exscapaStemless Townsend Daisy
Stemless Townsend-daisy
Easter Daisy
Toxicodendron radicansEastern Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy
Toxicodendron rydbergiiWestern Poison Ivy
Tridens albescensWhite Tridens
White Top
Tragia betonicifoliaBetonyleaf Noseburn
Trichloris crinitaTwo-flowered Trichloris
False Rhodes Grass
Tripsacum dactyloidesEastern Gamagrass
Fakahatchee Grass
Tridens flavusPurpletop Tridens
Redtop Tridens
Tall Redtop Tridens
Tall Redtop
Triodanis holzingeriHolzinger's Venus' Looking-glass
Trisetum interruptumPrairie False Oat
Tridens muticusSlim Tridens
Tradescantia occidentalisPrairie Spiderwort
Western Spiderwort
Tradescantia ohiensisOhio Spiderwort
Triodanis perfoliataClasping Venus's Looking-glass
Triplasis purpureaPurple Sandgrass
Purple Triplasis
Tragia ramosaBranched Noseburn
Typha domingensisSouthern Cattail
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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention