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East Central Texas Plains

This EPA Level III ecoregion encompasses all or part of 56 Texas counties. This ecoregion separates the two bands of the Texas Blackland Prairies ecoregion and extends just across the Oklahoma border. In Texas, it covers approximately the same land area as the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department’s Post Oak Savannah vegetative region. This collection lists only those taxa found in the Texas portion of the East Central Texas Plains ecoregion.

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2,504 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Ilex deciduaPossumhaw
Possumhaw Holly
Deciduous Holly
Meadow Holly
Prairie Holly
Swamp Holly
Welk Holly
Deciduous Yaupon
Ilex opacaAmerican Holly
White Holly
Prickly Holly
Evergreen Holly
Christmas Holly
Yule Holly
Ilex vomitoriaYaupon
Yaupon Holly
Imperata brevifoliaCalifornia Satintail
Impatiens capensisJewelweed
Orange Jewelweed
Spotted Touch-me-not
Indigofera lindheimerianaLindheimer's Indigo
Indigofera miniataScarlet Pea
Coastal Indigo
Texas Indigo
Western Indigo
Indigofera suffruticosaAnil De Pasto
Ipomoea cordatotrilobaTievine
Purple Bindweed
Morning Glory
Ipomoea cordatotriloba var. cordatotrilobaTievine
Sharp-pod Morning Glory
Purple Bindweed
Tie Vine
Ipomoea cordatotriloba var. torreyanaTorrey's Tievine
Ipomoea lindheimeriLindheimer's Morning-glory
Blue Morning Glory
Ipomopsis longifloraFlaxflowered Ipomopsis
Pale Trumpets
Paleflower Gilia
White-flower Skyrocket
White-flowered Gilia
Ipomoea pandurataMan Of The Earth
Wild Potato
Wild Sweet Potato
Ipomopsis rubraStanding Cypress
Texas Plume
Red Texas Star
Red Gilia
Ipomoea sagittataSaltmarsh Morning-glory
Salt-marsh Morning Glory
Iris brevicaulisZigzag Iris
Iris fulvaCopper Iris
Red Iris
Iris hexagonaDixie Iris
Iresine rhizomatosaJudas Bush
Iris virginicaVirginia Iris
Great Blue Flag
Southern Blue Flag
Isolepis carinataKeeled Bulrush
Isocoma drummondiiDrummond's Goldenbush
Isoetes melanopodaBlackfoot Quillwort
Isolepis molestaGulf Coast Bulrush
Isotria verticillataLarge Whorled Pogonia
Purple Fiveleaf Orchid
Itea virginicaVirginia Sweetspire
Virginia Willow
Iva angustifoliaNarrowleaf Marshelder
Narrow-leaf Sumpweed
Narrowleaf Marsh Elder
Iva annuaAnnual Marshelder
Annual Marsh Elder
Marsh Elder
Iva frutescensJesuit's Bark
High-tide Bush
High-water Shrub
Marsh Elder
Bigleaf Marsh Elder
Jatropha catharticaBerlandier's Nettlespurge
Jatropha dioicaLeatherstem
Leather Stem
Rubber Plant
Jatropha dioica var. dioicaLeatherstem
Janusia gracilisSlender Janusia
Jacquemontia tamnifoliaHairy Clustervine
Hairy Cluster-vine
Juncus acuminatusTapertip Rush
Justicia americanaAmerican Water-willow
Juniperus asheiAshe Juniper
Ashe's Juniper
Mountain Cedar
Rock Cedar
Post Cedar
Texas Cedar
Brake Cedar
Mexican Juniper
Blueberry Juniper
Ozark White Cedar
Juncus brachycarpusWhiteroot Rush
Juncus bufoniusToad Rush
Juncus coriaceusLeathery Rush
Juncus dichotomusForked Rush
Juncus diffusissimusSlimpod Rush
Juncus dudleyiDudley's Rush
Juncus effususCommon Rush
Soft Rush
Juncus filipendulusRingseed Rush
Juncus interiorInland Rush
Juncus interior var. interiorInland Rush
Juglans majorArizona Walnut
Arizona Black Walnut
River Walnut
Mountain Walnut
Nogal Silvestre
Juncus marginatusGrassleaf Rush
Grass Leaf Rush
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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention