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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

Hereford, TX
More on bluebonnets
I live in Hereford, Texas, near Amarillo. What would be the closest area for us to see fields of bluebonnets and when? Is it Wichita Falls?
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Hereford, TX
Weed eradication in Turfallo
I live in the Texas Panhandle and last June we planted Turfallo in our backyard - we now have lots of weeds - my information says I can use products containing MSM and 2410 to eradicate weeds. I am a...
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Canyon , TX
Plant identfication
My wife and I have our first summer garden at our new home in the Panhandle of Texas. Included within our crop are several alien large, broad stalk, broad leaved plants with an extremely pungent, offe...
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Canyon, TX
Wildflowers being mowed in Canyon TX
Can I receive a letter from someone there to put up in our neighborhood? I live in an area very close to Palo Duro Canyon. A developer out here mows down the wildflowers along the one lane road. It ...
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Canyon, TX
When and where are the bluebonnets blooming from Canyon TX?
Where can we get reports on when and where the bluebonnets are blooming?
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amarillo, TX
Watering newly-planted Afghan Pines
I just planted some Afghan pines in Amarillo, tx (avg. rainfall about 2O in. Per year) What would be the appropriate amount of water and how often would I need to water during this time.
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Amarillo, TX
How do you stop the bark from peeling off the tree in Amarillo?
How do you stop the bark from peeling off the tree? I live in Amarillo, TX. If you can't stop the progression, how do you keep the tree alive?
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Amarillo, TX
Native plant education
Do you provide resources about native plants to middle school educators?
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Amarillo, TX
Buying bluebonnet plants for project in Amarillo TX
Is there anywhere I can buy some bluebonnet plants by March 1, 2013 for a school project? We are growing some, but they are just up.
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Amarillo, TX
Tolerance of plants in area of Amarillo TX
I want to know tolerance in the Amarillo area for Diospyros texana, Berberis trifoliata, and Capsicum annuum where it gets colder, is dry, and intensely hot in summer.
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Amarillo, TX
Jelly made from local plums from Amarillo TX
On Wednesday, August 5, 2009 you answered a question on native plants in the Austin area in which you wrote:"Two kinds of local plums have also been used to make jellies: Mexican Plum (Prunus mexican...
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amarillo, TX
Do Maple trees and Poplars grow well in Amarillo,TX?
Do maple trees and poplars grow well in Amarillo Texas? I love the fall reds, oranges, and yellows. If they don't grow well can you recommend some trees that have the color that will grow well?
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Amarillo, TX
Wanting to grow a Buckley Oak in Amarillo, TX
I live in Amarillo Texas in the Texas Panhandle. I recently became interested in the Buckley Oak and was wondering if it might grow well here and if so, where I might find one that I could purchase a...
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Amarillo, TX
Source for seed of Blackfoot Daisy from Amarillo TX
I need help finding Melampodium leucanthum seed. I have spent the last few hours on the web searching for them. I checked the resources in your lists and cannot find seed. I live in Potter Coun...
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Amarillo, TX
Sources for non-native seeds from Amarillo TX
Hello It is possible to get this kind of seeds from you?.. Thanks! : Hiptage Benghalensis (Hiptage, Helicopter Flower) Crescentia Cujete (Calabash Tree, Krabasi, Kalebas, Huingo) Macaranga Grandi...
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Amarillo, TX
Plants to grow under elm tree in Amarillo TX
I have a large elm tree and I can't get seem to get anything to grow under it. I was wondering if there are any shade-loving groundcovers that you would recommend (have tried English Ivy, hostas, an...
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Amarillo, TX
Is there an App for that?
Do you have an app like leafsnap that my students can use to identify the plants around our school? I would like them to take a picture of the leaf of each plant with their iPads and have your data b...
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Clovis, NM
Smarty Plants on teddy bear vine
I am looking for a plant called teddy bear vine. The scientific name is Cyanotis kewensis. I had one a long time ago (20+ years) and I loved it, but I can't find another one or find out whe...
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Plainview, TX
Will smoketrees (Cotinus sp.) grow in the Texas Panhandle region
Will smoke trees grow in the Lubbock-Amarillo, Texas region of Texas?
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Newton County, TX
Advisability of sowing wildflower seeds in mid-January in Lousiana
Newton County borders Louisiana in SE Texas. Can we plant wildflowers now-mid January? The park has recently been graded and many trees blown down by Rita which will make it more sunny. The Garden ...
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Collin County, TX
Native plants for rain garden in Collin Co., TX
I am developing a Collin County Master Gardener’s program on Rain Gardens (in particular) and Rain Harvesting (generally.) I saw the recent article in your magazine about rain gardens and wondered if ...
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