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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

Monroe, LA
Care for non-native Mexican ruellia in Monroe LA
Dwarf Mexican Petunia I have found information that late in the season, when growth becomes leggy, cut back plants by as much as a half to force a new spurt of growth. Watch for tobacco bud wo...
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Monroe, LA
Damage to ruellia in Monroe LA
I have hundreds of Ruellia Brittoniana. Dwarf Katie White, Katie Blue and Katie Pink. I am finding holes in some of the leaves, Some just have notches chewed out of them. Some of the leaves have...
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Monroe, LA
Is purple coneflower native to Colorado?
I have seen the purple cone flower growing wild in Gunnison National Forest in Colorado. Is it a native to that state or has it been brought in?
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West Monroe, LA
Fertilizer for non-native Althea in West Monroe LA
What type of fertilizer is best for Althea Bushes
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West Monroe, LA
Plant identification
I have a green bush that us come up in the old garden spot it has littl green balls all over it with seeds like in them, what could it be? Thanks
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Bastrop, LA
Source for Texas Star plant from Bastrop LA
Please tell me where I can get a Texas Star plant?
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Winnsboro, LA
Appropriate riverbed and quail habitat plantings for southwest OK
Mr Smarty Pants, I have an area in extreme SW Oklahoma along the Red River. What native plants could I plant that are both appropriate for the sandy/saline soils in the vegetative area of the river b...
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Grayson, LA
Want to purchase mustang grape (Vitis mustangensis)
Do you know of a nursery where I can purchase mustang grapes? I have searched the web to no avail.
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Grayson, LA
Erosion control in Grayson, LA
We live in northern Louisiana. We have a small hill beside our carport that washes. What can we plant to help keep this from washing that will stay green all year long?
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Oak Grove, LA
Toxicity of Peruvian Lilies (Alstroemeria sp) for food decoration
Hi, I am trying to find out if I can decorate a cake using live alstroemeria laid on top of the icing. I would not want to eat the flower, just lay it on top to look pretty before removing and servi...
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Homer, LA
Non-native crapemyrtles changing color in Homer LA
I have six natchez crape myrtles, 2 1/2 years old now. This year, one of them has started blooming in a lavender color. Have you ever heard of this?
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Dry Prong, LA
Plant identification
I have visited this page and 18 more! I am still trying to find a plant that I found on a creek that runs through our land. I have pics. Great ones! Can I send the pic? If you like it, use it. I ...
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Vicksburg, MS
Identification of vine with hair-like prickles
Trying to find out what kind of vine I ran into yesterday while climbing a deer stand. While pushing limbs and vines down from around me, I noticed hair-like thorns stuck in my sleeves and hands. This...
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Vicksburg, MS
Mystery plant in Vicksburg, MS
I have a strange plant that has come up by a ditch next to my house. I've lived here 23 years and have never seen anything like it. I can only guess that it came up from a packet of wildflower seed...
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Natchitoches, LA
Expected color of non-native crapemyrtles in Natchitoches LA
just bought 8 new crepe myrtle trees that are suppose to be dynamite red in color. However, the few bulbs that are on them when you break them open they are white! Does this mean they are going to be ...
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Natchitoches, LA
Plant identification for Louisiana
Trying to identify a "fruit bearing" plant around Natchitoches, Louisiana. Grows about waist high to average man, slightly elongated green leaf, bearing small green "fruit" or "berry", with pape...
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Natchitoches, LA
Red Shrimp Plant Poisonous for Dogs?
Is the Red Shrimp Plant poison to dogs?
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pineville, LA
Can the buds and flowers from my Rhodendron tree be toxic to my puppy? Yes
I recently got a new 7 week old puppy that keeps trying to play with and eat buds and flowers off my Rhododendron tree. Could this be toxic to him?
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Pineville, LA
Looking for a plant to use as a windbreak for a small orchard in Pineville LA.
We are looking for a good plant to use as a wind break for our small fruit orchard.
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Camden, AR
Plant identification
I have a green plant given in memory of my mom, and I have no idea what it is. It has rounded smooth leaves, green on front, purple on back. Inside each leaf is the impression of another leaf then an...
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Bossier City, LA
Native grasses for groundcover in Bossier, LA
What kind of ground cover can I plant on a slope that gets full sun?
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