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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

Campbellton, TX
Problems with tomatoes in tubs in Campbellton, TX
I have my tomatoes planted in big black plastic tubs, they are starting to wilt and dry up. I have put Sevin dust on them for bugs. I haven't been over watering. Could you please tell me why they are...
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Pleasanton, TX
Getting blueberries to grow in Atascosa County, Texas
I'm trying to get blueberries started in my garden. I mulch constantly and have tons of success with almost every thing. But last year my blueberries were new plants and after harvesting a few berrie...
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Pleasanton, TX
Germinating Hibiscus martianus, Heartleaf hibiscus
Is there some secret to getting Heart Leaf Hibiscus to germinate from seed? I have tried several times, but have had no luck getting them to germinate.
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Pleasanton, TX
Sycamore leaf snowbell from Pleasanton TX
How do you care for a sycamore leaf snowbell. Does it like sun or part shade? How much water? How often and what should it be fed. How fast or slowly does it grow? Anything you can tell me would be ap...
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Pleasanton, TX
Growing Green milkweed vine from seed
I was given some seed for the pearl milkweed vine which I intend to plant, but I can find no information on whether to stratify or scarify them or just plant them. I know some milkweeds require strati...
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Pleasanton, TX
Shade Tolerant Groundcover for Texas
I live in Atascosa county in Pleasanton Texas, I have an abundance of Live Oak and Ash trees shading my property and need a groundcover for my backyard which is nothing but sand and where I have dogs ...
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Jourdanton, TX
Recently planted Monterey Oaks doing poorly in Jourdanton, TX.
We planted 2 nice size Monterrey oak trees in April .they were doing good with new growth on them. But now I have been noticing the leaves are turning brown around the edges. We water about once a wee...
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Floresville, TX
Is the fruit of Melothria pendula edible?
Is the fruit of Melothria pendula edible?
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Floresville, TX
Failure to bud out of Shumard oaks in Floresville TX
Question: I have a Shumard red oak (9-10ft tall) that I planted last October as its leaves were turning a brilliant red color. However, it's the only tree that did not bud this spring. I scraped t...
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Floresville, TX
How to transplant agarita in Floresville, TX.
How is the best way to propagate Agarita? I have acres of them in the pasture but want some for the house landscape and to grow. I was told they go dormant for a year if you dig them up to transplan...
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Floresville, TX
Transplanting Mexican bonebract in Floresville, TX
My kids and I finally identified a small plant that we found growing in our pasture. There was only one and it is lovely. It is the Mexican Bonebract. What I am interested in finding out is how to tra...
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Charlotte, TX
Trees for clay soil from Charlotte TX
We have an area in our yard that even Esperanzas won't grow. It is near another that does great. Six Esperanzas are planted in a north/south row about with 10' between plants, the southern most plan...
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Elmendorf, TX
Is Asclepias purpurascens a Texas native?
Is the Asclepias purpurascens a Texas native plant? If so where does it grow?
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Elmendorf, TX
How does Styrax youngiae differ from other Texas Styrax species?
How does the Styrax youngae differ from other Texas styrax? Where can I find a description of all the Texas styrax trees?
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Elmendorf, TX
Viability of Lupinus havardii seeds from Elmendorf TX
I have been able to grow several Lupinus havardii (Big Bend Bluebonnet) and they are now making seed. Is there anyway to determine if a seed is good or bad for this plant?
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Elmendorf, TX
Propagating Silky Sophora by seed from Elmendorf TX
I have some seed for the Sophora nutalliana. What is the best way to germinate this seed?
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Elmendorf, TX
Difference between Styrax platanifolius and Styrax patanifolius ssp. texanus
What is the difference between a Styrax platanifolius and a Styrax platanifolius texanus?
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Elmendorf, TX
Source for seeds of New Mexico locust from Abilene TX
Is there a place to buy Robinia neomexicana native to Texas or order seed from Texas grown plants?
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elmendorf, TX
Propagation of Limonium limbatum
I have a Limonium limbatum but do not know how to propagate the plant. Can you help with this?
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Elmendorf, TX
How to germinate seed for Styrax grandifolius
How do I germinate seed for the Styrax grandifolius?
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Elmendorf, TX
Propogating snowbells from Elmendorf TX
Is it possible to propagate Styrax platanifolius and Halesia diptera from cuttings? If yes, what is the process?
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