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Chihuahuan Desert Gardens Collection

This collection contains Wynn Anderson's images of North American native flora photographed at the University of Texas at El Paso's Chihuahuan Desert Gardens.

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643 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page

scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Jefea brevifoliaShortleaf Jefea
Jefea brevifoliaShortleaf Jefea
Juncus acutusSpiny Rush
Sharp Rush
Justicia pilosellaHairy Tube-tongue
Gregg's Tube-tongue
False Honeysuckle
Justicia pilosellaHairy Tube-tongue
Gregg's Tube-tongue
False Honeysuckle
Justicia pilosellaHairy Tube-tongue
Gregg's Tube-tongue
False Honeysuckle
Koeberlinia spinosaCrown Of Thorns
Spiny Allthorn
Koeberlinia spinosaCrown Of Thorns
Spiny Allthorn
Lantana achyranthifoliaBrushland Shrubverbena
Mexican Marjoram
Veinyleaf Lantana
Lantana achyranthifoliaBrushland Shrubverbena
Mexican Marjoram
Veinyleaf Lantana
scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery

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643 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page