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Smith, R.W.

Robert Smith is not a botanist, but he's been interested in botany for many years, starting as a grade-schooler in West Virginia. If life circumstances had been different, he might have become a botanist.

Robert is now retired from the State of Michigan where he was a social worker and administrator, mostly in child welfare. He's been a frequent contributor to the University of Michigan herbarium, and owes much to the staff there, especially Ed Voss, Tony Reznicek and Bev Walter who have mentored his efforts. Robert got his first camera while serving in Viet Nam in 1966, and has been involved in photography periodically ever since. From 1977 to 1982, Robert did regional art fairs. His main photographic interest was natural subjects, particularly wildflowers.

In 1979, Robert stopped near his home in Adrian, Michigan to check out an interesting spot. It turned out to be so interesting he became more involved in botanizing and conservation, and mostly let photography go. That spot became the Nature Conservancy's Ives Road Fen Preserve, a globally endangered habitat.

For Christmas of 2009, Robert's wife gave him a digital Canon camera, and you're now seeing the results. So, Robert has no formal training in botany or photography, but he happily reports, "I sure am having fun in retirement!"

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Coreopsis verticillataThreadleaf Coreopsis
Whorled Tickseed
Whorled Coreopsis
Commelina virginicaVirginia Dayflower
Crepis acuminata ssp. acuminataTapertip Hawksbeard
Crepis acuminata ssp. acuminataTapertip Hawksbeard
Crataegus brainerdiiBrainerd's Hawthorn
Crataegus brainerdiiBrainerd's Hawthorn
Crataegus calpodendronPear Hawthorn
Late Hawthorn
Pear Haw
Pear Thorn
Crataegus calpodendronPear Hawthorn
Late Hawthorn
Pear Haw
Pear Thorn
Crataegus calpodendronPear Hawthorn
Late Hawthorn
Pear Haw
Pear Thorn
Croton cascarillaPineland Croton
Narrowleaf Croton
Woolly Croton
Cryptotaenia canadensisCanadian Honewort
Wild Chervil
Cryptotaenia canadensisCanadian Honewort
Wild Chervil
Crataegus crus-galliCockspur Hawthorn
Cockspur Thorn
Newcastle Hawthorn
Newcastle Thorn
Hog Apple
Crataegus crus-galliCockspur Hawthorn
Cockspur Thorn
Newcastle Hawthorn
Newcastle Thorn
Hog Apple
Croptilon divaricatumSlender Scratchdaisy
Scratch Daisy
Granite Daisy
Crataegus douglasiiBlack Hawthorn
Crataegus douglasiiBlack Hawthorn
Cryptantha fendleriSand Dune Cryptantha
Cryptantha fendleriSand Dune Cryptantha
Croton glandulosusTooth-leaved Croton
Sand Croton
Tropic Croton
Vente Conmigo
Crataegus macrospermaBigfruit Hawthorn
Large-seeded Hawthorn
Crataegus macrospermaBigfruit Hawthorn
Large-seeded Hawthorn
Crataegus macrospermaBigfruit Hawthorn
Large-seeded Hawthorn
Croton michauxiiMichaux's Croton
Crataegus mollisDowny Hawthorn
White Thorn
Scarlet Hawthorn
Scarlet Haw
Red Haw
Downy Thorn
Crataegus phaenopyrumWashington Hawthorn
Crataegus pruinosaWaxyfruit Hawthorn
Crotalaria pumilaLow Rattlebox
Crotalaria pumilaLow Rattlebox
Crotalaria purshiiPursh's Rattlebox
Crepis runcinataFiddleleaf Hawksbeard
Crataegus spathulataLittlehip Hawthorn
Pasture Hawthorn
Smallfruit Hawthorn
Crataegus succulentaFleshy Hawthorn
Crataegus succulentaFleshy Hawthorn
Crataegus viridisGreen Hawthorn
Southern Hawthorn
Cuscuta cephalanthiButtonbush Dodder
Button-bush Dodder
Cuscuta gronoviiScaldweed
Cunila origanoidesCommon Dittany
Cypripedium acauleMoccasin Flower
Pink Lady's Slipper
Cypripedium acauleMoccasin Flower
Pink Lady's Slipper
Cypripedium acauleMoccasin Flower
Pink Lady's Slipper
Cypripedium ×andrewsiiAndrews' Lady's-slipper
Cycloloma atriplicifoliumWinged Pigweed
Cyperus bipartitusSlender Flatsedge
Shining Cyperus
Cystopteris bulbiferaBulblet Bladder Fern
Cypripedium candidumWhite Lady's Slipper
Small White Lady's Slipper
Cypripedium candidumWhite Lady's Slipper
Small White Lady's Slipper
Cyperus esculentusYellow Nutsedge
Chufa Sedge
Yellow Nut-grass
Cypripedium kentuckienseSouthern Lady's-slipper
Kentucky Lady's-slipper
Ivory Lady's-slipper
Purloined Slipper
Cystopteris laurentianaSt. Lawrence Bladderfern
Cystopteris laurentianaSt. Lawrence Bladderfern
Cyperus lupulinusGreat Plains Flatsedge
Cypripedium parviflorumYellow Lady's-slipper Orchid
Lesser Yellow Lady's Slipper
Cypripedium parviflorumYellow Lady's-slipper Orchid
Lesser Yellow Lady's Slipper
Cypripedium parviflorumYellow Lady's-slipper Orchid
Lesser Yellow Lady's Slipper
Cypripedium parviflorumYellow Lady's-slipper Orchid
Lesser Yellow Lady's Slipper
Cypripedium parviflorumYellow Lady's-slipper Orchid
Lesser Yellow Lady's Slipper
Cypripedium parviflorumYellow Lady's-slipper Orchid
Lesser Yellow Lady's Slipper
Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescensGreater Yellow Lady's Slipper
Large Yellow Lady's Slipper
Cyrilla racemifloraTiti
Swamp Titi
Black Titi
White Titi
Red Titi
Swamp Cyrilla
American Cyrilla
Burnwood Bark
Palo Colorado
Cypripedium reginaeShowy Lady's Slipper
Cyperus strigosusStraw-colored Flatsedge
Cyperus strigosusStraw-colored Flatsedge
Cystopteris tenuisUpland Brittle Bladderfern
Dalea candidaWhite Prairie Clover
Dalea candidaWhite Prairie Clover
Danthonia compressaFlattened Oatgrass
Dalea feayiFeay's Prairie Clover
Globe-headed Prairie Clover
Dasiphora fruticosaShrubby Cinquefoil
Golden Hardhack
Dasiphora fruticosaShrubby Cinquefoil
Golden Hardhack
Dasistoma macrophyllaMullein Foxglove
Dasistoma macrophyllaMullein Foxglove
Dalea purpureaPurple Prairie Clover
Dalea purpureaPurple Prairie Clover
Dalea purpureaPurple Prairie Clover
Danthonia spicataPoverty Oatgrass
Poverty Wild Oat Grass
Curly Grass
Deparia acrostichoidesSilver False Spleenwort
Silvery Spleenwort
Silvery Glade Fern
Dennstaedtia bipinnataCuplet Fern
Bipinnate Cuplet Fern
Cuplet Hay-scented Fern
Delphinium carolinianumPrairie Larkspur
Carolina Larkspur
Blue Larkspur
Delphinium carolinianumPrairie Larkspur
Carolina Larkspur
Blue Larkspur
Desmodium canadenseShowy Tick Trefoil
Desmodium canadenseShowy Tick Trefoil
Desmodium canadenseShowy Tick Trefoil
Desmodium canescensHoary Ticktrefoil
Desmodium canescensHoary Ticktrefoil
Desmodium canescensHoary Ticktrefoil
Desmodium canescensHoary Ticktrefoil
Desmodium ciliareHairy Small-leaf Ticktrefoil
Desmodium ciliareHairy Small-leaf Ticktrefoil
Deschampsia flexuosa var. flexuosaWavy Hairgrass
Desmodium glutinosumPointedleaf Ticktrefoil
Desmodium glutinosumPointedleaf Ticktrefoil
Desmanthus illinoensisIllinois Bundleflower
Prairie Bundle Flower
Illinois Desmanthus
Prairie Mimosa
Desmodium illinoenseIllinois Ticktrefoil
Illinois Tick-trefoil
Desmanthus leptophyllusSlenderleaf Bundleflower
Desmanthus leptophyllusSlenderleaf Bundleflower
Desmodium marilandicumSmooth Small-leaf Ticktrefoil
Desmodium marilandicumSmooth Small-leaf Ticktrefoil
Delphinium nuttallianumTwolobe Larkspur
Two-lobe Larkspur
Desmodium nudiflorumNakedflower Ticktrefoil
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