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Smith, R.W.

Robert Smith is not a botanist, but he's been interested in botany for many years, starting as a grade-schooler in West Virginia. If life circumstances had been different, he might have become a botanist.

Robert is now retired from the State of Michigan where he was a social worker and administrator, mostly in child welfare. He's been a frequent contributor to the University of Michigan herbarium, and owes much to the staff there, especially Ed Voss, Tony Reznicek and Bev Walter who have mentored his efforts. Robert got his first camera while serving in Viet Nam in 1966, and has been involved in photography periodically ever since. From 1977 to 1982, Robert did regional art fairs. His main photographic interest was natural subjects, particularly wildflowers.

In 1979, Robert stopped near his home in Adrian, Michigan to check out an interesting spot. It turned out to be so interesting he became more involved in botanizing and conservation, and mostly let photography go. That spot became the Nature Conservancy's Ives Road Fen Preserve, a globally endangered habitat.

For Christmas of 2009, Robert's wife gave him a digital Canon camera, and you're now seeing the results. So, Robert has no formal training in botany or photography, but he happily reports, "I sure am having fun in retirement!"

The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is committed to developing the premier resource for native plant images in North America through continued growth of the Plant Image Gallery. You can help us achieve our mission increase the sustainable use and conservation of native wildflowers, plants, and landscapes... by becoming a contributor.

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scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Desmodium nudiflorumNakedflower Ticktrefoil
Desmodium nudiflorumNakedflower Ticktrefoil
Desmodium nudiflorumNakedflower Ticktrefoil
Desmodium paniculatumPanicledleaf Ticktrefoil
Panicled Tick Trefoil
Velcro Vine
Desmodium paniculatumPanicledleaf Ticktrefoil
Panicled Tick Trefoil
Velcro Vine
Desmodium paniculatumPanicledleaf Ticktrefoil
Panicled Tick Trefoil
Velcro Vine
Descurainia pinnataWestern Tansymustard
Desmodium sessilifoliumSessileleaf Ticktrefoil
Desmodium strictumPine Barren Ticktrefoil
Pinebarren Ticktrefoil
Delphinium tricorneDwarf Larkspur
Spring Larkspur
Delphinium tricorneDwarf Larkspur
Spring Larkspur
Delphinium tricorneDwarf Larkspur
Spring Larkspur
Decodon verticillatusSwamp Loosestrife
Water Willow
Decodon verticillatusSwamp Loosestrife
Water Willow
Decodon verticillatusSwamp Loosestrife
Water Willow
Decodon verticillatusSwamp Loosestrife
Water Willow
Dichanthelium acuminatum var. fasciculatumWestern Panicgrass
Rosette Grass
Dicentra canadensisSquirrel Corn
Dicentra canadensisSquirrel Corn
Dicentra canadensisSquirrel Corn
Dicentra canadensisSquirrel Corn
Dichanthelium clandestinumDeertongue
Digitaria cognataCarolina Crabgrass
Fall Witchgrass
Dicentra cucullariaDutchman's Breeches
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Dicentra cucullariaDutchman's Breeches
Dicentra cucullariaDutchman's Breeches
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Dichanthelium dichotomumCypress Panicgrass
Dicentra eximiaTurkey Corn
Fringed Bleedinghearts
Wild Bleedingheart
Diervilla loniceraNorthern Bush Honeysuckle
Northern Bush-honeysuckle
Diervilla loniceraNorthern Bush Honeysuckle
Northern Bush-honeysuckle
Dirca palustrisEastern Leatherwood
Western Leatherwood
Dirca palustrisEastern Leatherwood
Western Leatherwood
Dicliptera sexangularisSixangle Foldwing
Diospyros texanaTexas Persimmon
Mexican Persimmon
Black Persimmon
Chapote Prieto
Diodia virginianaVirginia Buttonweed
Dioscorea villosaWild Yam
Diospyros virginianaCommon Persimmon
Eastern Persimmon
Date Plum
Winter Plum
Jove's Fruit
Diospyros virginianaCommon Persimmon
Eastern Persimmon
Date Plum
Winter Plum
Jove's Fruit
Dodecatheon meadiaEastern Shooting Star
Shooting Star
Pride Of Ohio
Prairie Pointers
Dodecatheon meadiaEastern Shooting Star
Shooting Star
Pride Of Ohio
Prairie Pointers
Dodecatheon meadiaEastern Shooting Star
Shooting Star
Pride Of Ohio
Prairie Pointers
Doellingeria sericocarpoidesSouthern Whitetop
Doellingeria umbellataParasol Whitetop
Flat-topped White Aster
Dracopis amplexicaulisClasping Coneflower
Clasping-leaf Coneflower
Dracopis amplexicaulisClasping Coneflower
Clasping-leaf Coneflower
Draba arabisansRock Draba
Drosera intermediaSpoonleaf Sundew
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Drosera linearisSlenderleaf Sundew
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Draba lonchocarpaLancepod Draba
Draba nemorosaWoodland Draba
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Dracocephalum parviflorumAmerican Dragonhead
Drosera rotundifoliaRoundleaf Sundew
Draba streptocarpaTwisted-fruit Draba
Pretty Draba
Dulichium arundinaceumThreeway Sedge
Three-sided Sedge
Dulichium arundinaceumThreeway Sedge
Three-sided Sedge
Dysphania ambrosioidesMexican Tea
Dyschoriste humistrataSwamp Snakeherb
Swamp Twinflower
Swamp Dyschoriste
Echinodorus cordifoliusCreeping Burhead
Lance-leaf Burhead
Radican Sword
Creeping Water-plantain
Echinocystis lobataWild Cucumber
Echinochloa muricataAmerican Barnyard Grass
Rough Barnyard Grass
Barnyard Grass
American Cockspur Grass
Wild Millet
Echinacea pallidaPale Purple Coneflower
Pale Coneflower
Echinacea pallidaPale Purple Coneflower
Pale Coneflower
Echinacea pallidaPale Purple Coneflower
Pale Coneflower
Echinacea paradoxaYellow Coneflower
Yellow Echinacea
Echinocereus pentalophusLadyfinger Cactus
Dog Tail
Devil's Fingers
Eclipta prostrataPie Plant
False Daisy
Eclipta prostrataPie Plant
False Daisy
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False Daisy
Echinacea purpureaEastern Purple Coneflower
Purple Coneflower
Echinacea tennesseensisTennessee Purple Coneflower
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Echinacea tennesseensisTennessee Purple Coneflower
Echinochloa walteriCoast Cockspur Grass
Ehretia anacuaAnacua
Sugarberry Anacua
Sandpaper Tree
Elymus canadensisCanada Wild Rye
Canadian Wildrye
Prairie Wildrye
Nodding Wildrye
Elytraria caroliniensisCarolina Scalystem
Eleocharis compressaFlatstem Spikerush
Flattened Spikerush
Flat-stem Spike-rush
Flatstemmed Spikesedge
Eleocharis compressaFlatstem Spikerush
Flattened Spikerush
Flat-stem Spike-rush
Flatstemmed Spikesedge
Elephantopus elatusTall Elephant's-foot
Eleocharis ellipticaElliptic Spikerush
Elymus elymoidesSquirreltail
Bottlebrush Squirreltail
Eleocharis engelmanniiEngelmann's Spikerush
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Bottlebrush Grass
Elymus hystrixEastern Bottlebrush Grass
Bottlebrush Grass
Elymus lanceolatusThickspike Wheatgrass
Streambank Wheatgrass
Ellisia nycteleaAunt Lucy
False Baby Blue-eyes
Ellisia nycteleaAunt Lucy
False Baby Blue-eyes
Eleocharis palustrisCommon Spikerush
Common Spike-rush
Creeping Spikesedge
Elymus ripariusRiverbank Wildrye
Riverbank Wild-rye
Elymus ripariusRiverbank Wildrye
Riverbank Wild-rye
Eleocharis rostellataBeaked Spikerush
Leap Frog Spike Rush
Elymus trachycaulusSlender Wheatgrass
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