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Wasowski, Sally and Andy

Andy Wasowski, a freelance writer and photographer, and Sally Wasowski, a landscape designer, have written nine books including Native Texas Plants and Native Texas Gardens, Requiem for a Lawnmower and Gardening for a Hotter, Drier Climate. In June, 2005, the Wasowskis contributed an extensive collection of native plant and landscape photos to the Wildflower Center adding 3939 photos to the Native Plant Information Network image gallery.

The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is committed to developing the premier resource for native plant images in North America through continued growth of the Plant Image Gallery. You can help us achieve our mission increase the sustainable use and conservation of native wildflowers, plants, and landscapes... by becoming a contributor.

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scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Salvia clevelandiiFragrant Sage
Blue Sage
Cleveland Sage
Salvia coccineaScarlet Sage
Tropical Sage
Blood Sage
Red Sage
Indian Fire
Salvia coccineaScarlet Sage
Tropical Sage
Blood Sage
Red Sage
Indian Fire
Salvia coccineaScarlet Sage
Tropical Sage
Blood Sage
Red Sage
Indian Fire
Salvia coccineaScarlet Sage
Tropical Sage
Blood Sage
Red Sage
Indian Fire
Salvia dorriiPurple Sage
Gray Ball Sage
Dorri Sage
Desert Sage
Salvia dorriiPurple Sage
Gray Ball Sage
Dorri Sage
Desert Sage
Salvia dorriiPurple Sage
Gray Ball Sage
Dorri Sage
Desert Sage
Salvia dorriiPurple Sage
Gray Ball Sage
Dorri Sage
Desert Sage
Salvia dorrii ssp. dorriiPurple Sage
Salvia dorrii ssp. dorriiPurple Sage
Salvia engelmanniiEngelmann's Sage
Engelmann's Salvia
Salvia engelmanniiEngelmann's Sage
Engelmann's Salvia
Salix exiguaNarrowleaf Willow
Narrow-leaf Willow
Sandbar Willow
Coyote Willow
Salix exiguaNarrowleaf Willow
Narrow-leaf Willow
Sandbar Willow
Coyote Willow
Salvia farinaceaMealy Blue Sage
Mealy Sage
Mealycup Sage
Salvia farinaceaMealy Blue Sage
Mealy Sage
Mealycup Sage
Salvia farinaceaMealy Blue Sage
Mealy Sage
Mealycup Sage
Salvia farinaceaMealy Blue Sage
Mealy Sage
Mealycup Sage
Salvia farinaceaMealy Blue Sage
Mealy Sage
Mealycup Sage
Salvia farinaceaMealy Blue Sage
Mealy Sage
Mealycup Sage
Salvia farinaceaMealy Blue Sage
Mealy Sage
Mealycup Sage
Salvia farinaceaMealy Blue Sage
Mealy Sage
Mealycup Sage
Salvia farinaceaMealy Blue Sage
Mealy Sage
Mealycup Sage
Sarracenia flavaYellow Pitcherplant
Yellow Pitcher Plant
Sarracenia flavaYellow Pitcherplant
Yellow Pitcher Plant
Sarracenia flavaYellow Pitcherplant
Yellow Pitcher Plant
Saccharum giganteumSugarcane Plumegrass
Giant Plumegrass
Saccharum giganteumSugarcane Plumegrass
Giant Plumegrass
Salvia greggiiAutumn Sage
Cherry Sage
Gregg Salvia
Salvia greggiiAutumn Sage
Cherry Sage
Gregg Salvia
Salvia greggiiAutumn Sage
Cherry Sage
Gregg Salvia
Salvia greggiiAutumn Sage
Cherry Sage
Gregg Salvia
Salvia greggiiAutumn Sage
Cherry Sage
Gregg Salvia
Salvia greggiiAutumn Sage
Cherry Sage
Gregg Salvia
Salvia greggiiAutumn Sage
Cherry Sage
Gregg Salvia
Salvia greggiiAutumn Sage
Cherry Sage
Gregg Salvia
Salix humilisPrairie Willow
Sabatia kennedyanaPlymouth Rose Gentian
Plymouth Gentian
Sagittaria latifoliaBroadleaf Arrowhead
Sagittaria latifoliaBroadleaf Arrowhead
Salix lucida ssp. caudataGreenleaf Willow
Salix lucida ssp. caudataGreenleaf Willow
Salix lucida ssp. caudataGreenleaf Willow
Salvia lycioidesCanyon Sage
Salvia lycioidesCanyon Sage
Salvia lyrataLyreleaf Sage
Cancer Weed
Salvia lyrataLyreleaf Sage
Cancer Weed
Salvia lyrataLyreleaf Sage
Cancer Weed
Salvia lyrataLyreleaf Sage
Cancer Weed
scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery

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