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Loughmiller, Campbell and Lynn

First published in 1984, Campbell and Lynn Loughmiller's Texas Wildflowers is an all time University of Texas Press bestseller. This collection of 1023 images includes all of the original photography from that publication as well as other Loughmiller images contributed to the Wildflower Center over the years. Pioneering conservationists, Campbell and Lynn Loughmiller will be remembered for their kindness, gentle humor, and humanitarian ideals.

The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is committed to developing the premier resource for native plant images in North America through continued growth of the Plant Image Gallery. You can help us achieve our mission increase the sustainable use and conservation of native wildflowers, plants, and landscapes... by becoming a contributor.

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925 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Leucophyllum frutescensCenizo
Purple Sage
Texas Ranger
Texas Barometer Bush
Texas Silverleaf
Texas Sage
Lesquerella gordoniiGordon's Bladderpod
Lesquerella gordoniiGordon's Bladderpod
Lepidium montanumMountain Peppergrass
Western Peppergrass
Mountain Pepperweed
Mountain Pepperwort
Montana Pepperweed
Lesquerella ovalifoliaRoundleaf Bladderpod
Lesquerella ovalifoliaRoundleaf Bladderpod
Ledum palustreMarsh Labrador Tea
Northern Labrador Tea
Narrow-leaf Labrador Tea
Leucaena retusaGoldenball Leadtree
Littleleaf Leadtree
Little Leucaena
Wahoo Tree
Liatris elegansPink-scale Blazing Star
Pink-scale Gayfeather
Pink-scale Liatris
Liatris elegansPink-scale Blazing Star
Pink-scale Gayfeather
Pink-scale Liatris
Linum imbricatumTufted Flax
Linum imbricatumTufted Flax
Lithospermum incisumFringed Puccoon
Golden Puccoon
Narrowleaf Puccoon
Narrow-leaved Puccoon
Narrowleaf Gromwell
Fringed Gromwell
Narrowleaf Stoneseed
Linum lewisiiWild Blue Flax
Prairie Flax
Lewis Flax
Lewis's Flax
Lithophragma parviflorumSmallflower Woodland-star
Prairie Star
Prairie Rockstar
Linum rigidumStiffstem Flax
Large-flower Yellow Flax
Yellow Flax
Linum rigidumStiffstem Flax
Large-flower Yellow Flax
Yellow Flax
Linum rigidumStiffstem Flax
Large-flower Yellow Flax
Yellow Flax
Lindheimera texanaTexas Yellowstar
Texas Star
Texas Yellow-star
Lindheimer Daisy
Lindheimera texanaTexas Yellowstar
Texas Star
Texas Yellow-star
Lindheimer Daisy
Lobelia appendiculataPale Lobelia
Lobelia cardinalisCardinal Flower
Lonicera involucrataTwinberry Honeysuckle
Black Twinberry Honeysuckle
Black Twinberry
Bearberry Honeysuckle
Four-line Honeysuckle
Lonicera involucrataTwinberry Honeysuckle
Black Twinberry Honeysuckle
Black Twinberry
Bearberry Honeysuckle
Four-line Honeysuckle
Lotus plebeiusNew Mexico Bird's-foot Trefoil
Pine Deervetch
Longbract Bird's-foot Trefoil
scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery

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925 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page