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National Organizations Directory

As a service to the public, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center collects information on native plant societies, conservation groups, governmental agencies, botanical gardens, arboreta, and other plant-related organizations throughout North America. Click here to add your organization to the directory. Affiliates are organizations that partner with the Wildflower Center to encourage the preservation and use of native plants in different regions of the country.

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Town of Flower Mound, Environmental Resources Division

Address: 2121 Cross Timbers Road
Flower Mound, TX 75028

Region: Southwest

Phone: 972-874-9346
Fax: 972-874-6474

Organization Structure: City Agency
Organization Scope: City/Local
Organization Type: Government Agency

Services this organization provides

  • Inventory and/or monitor endangered/rare species
  • Natural habitat management
  • Wildflower or native habitat display on property
  • Conducts research
  • Offer public programs, trips, seminars, etc.

Native Plant Focus: We hold Texas SmartScape Seminars to promote citizens to use native plants in their landscaping.

Description: We are the Environmental Resources Division for a municipal government in North Central Texas. The mission of the Environmental Resources Division is to advance and support sustainable development and public health through comprehensive environmental protection, conservation, and effective resource management; implement federal, state, and local environmental statutes and regulations; integrate the Town’s built and natural environments through responsible development practices, appropriate environmental stewardship, and sound environmental science; foster and ensure a continuous public involvement and appreciation for the Town’s unique and invaluable natural surroundings.

Last Update: 2004-03-22
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