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National Organizations Directory

As a service to the public, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center collects information on native plant societies, conservation groups, governmental agencies, botanical gardens, arboreta, and other plant-related organizations throughout North America. Click here to add your organization to the directory. Affiliates are organizations that partner with the Wildflower Center to encourage the preservation and use of native plants in different regions of the country.

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Gulf Coast Bird Observatory, Inc

Address: 103 HWY 332 West
Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Region: Southeast

Phone: 979-480-0999
Fax: 979-480-0777

Organization Structure: Private Non Profit
Organization Scope: International
Organization Type: Natural Heritage

Services this organization provides

  • Inventory and/or monitor endangered/rare species
  • Work on restoration projects
  • Natural habitat management
  • Wildflower or native habitat display on property
  • Conducts research
  • Publish research
  • Provide educational programming
  • Open to the public
  • Membership program
  • Offer public programs, trips, seminars, etc.

Native Plant Focus: Our organization focuses on protecting and enhancing stopover habitat for migratory birds around the Gulf of Mexico region.

Publications: Gulf Crossings Newsletter

Description: The Gulf Coast Bird Observatory (GCBO) was founded in 1997 to address declining bird populations through avian research and the protection of Gulf coastal habitat utilized as stopover by migratory birds. The Gulf region is shared among three countries—the United States, Mexico, and Cuba—and eleven U.S. and Mexican states. The Gulf Coast Bird Observatory (GCBO) has established a Site Partner Network to assist the conservation work of partner organizations and sites throughout this region. This network of sites currently includes 54 partners throughout this area responsible for over 8 million acres of coastal habitat. Fifteen of these partner sites protect Gulf coastal habitat outside the United States—seven in the Yucatan Peninsula, seven in the Mexican provinces of Veracruz and Tamaulipas, and one in western Cuba. By being part of this Site Partner Network, the conservation partners around the Gulf of Mexico benefit from information exchange, fundraising assistance, publicity, etc.

Last Update: 2009-02-23
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