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Eutrochium maculatumSpotted Joe-pye Weed
Joe-pye Weed
Spotted Trumpetweed
Eupatoriadelphus maculatus var. maculatusSpotted Trumpetweed
Spotted Joe-pye-weed
Eupatorium perfoliatumCommon Boneset
Eupatorium perfoliatum var. perfoliatumCommon Boneset
Eupatorium pilosumRough Boneset
Eutrochium purpureumPurple Joepyeweed
Sweet-scented Joepyeweed
Sweet Joepyeweed
Euphorbia purpureaDarlington's Glade Spurge
Eutrochium purpureum var. purpureumSweet Joepyeweed
Sweetscented Joe Pye Weed
Sweetscented Joepyeweed
Eurybia radulaLow Rough Aster
Eubotrys racemosusSwamp Sweetbells
Swamp Doghobble
Sweetbells Leucothoe
Deciduous Swamp Fetterbush
Coastal Fetterbush
Swamp Leucothoe
Eupatorium resinosumPine Barren Thoroughwort
Eupatorium rotundifoliumRoundleaf Thoroughwort
Eupatorium rotundifolium var. cordigerumRoundleaf Thoroughwort
Eupatorium rotundifolium var. ovatumRoundleaf Thoroughwort
Eupatorium rotundifolium var. rotundifoliumRoundleaf Thoroughwort
Eurybia schreberiSchreber's Aster
Eupatorium serotinumWhite Boneset
Lateflowering Thoroughwort
Late Boneset
Late-flowering Boneset
Eupatorium sessilifoliumUpland Boneset
Eupatorium sessilifolium var. brittonianumUpland Boneset
Eupatorium sessilifolium var. sessilifoliumUpland Boneset
Eupatorium sessilifolium var. vaseyiUpland Boneset
Eurybia spectabilisEastern Showy Aster
Showy Aster
Fagus grandifoliaAmerican Beech
White Beech
Red Beech
Ridge Beech
Beechnut Tree
Festuca rubraRed Fescue
Festuca subverticillataNodding Fescue
Fimbristylis autumnalisSlender Fimbry
Fimbristylis carolinianaCarolina Fimbry
Fimbristylis castaneaMarsh Fimbry
Saltmarsh Fimbristylis
Fimbristylis puberulaHairy Fimbry
Filipendula rubraQueen Of The Prairie
Fimbristylis vahliiVahl's Fimbry
Floerkea proserpinacoidesFalse Mermaidweed
Fraxinus americanaWhite Ash
American Ash
Cane Ash
Smallseed White Ash
Biltmore White Ash
Biltmore Ash
Fragaria ×ananassaStrawberry
Fragaria ×ananassa ssp. ananassaStrawberry
Frangula carolinianaCarolina Buckthorn
Carolina False Buckthorn
Yellow Buckthorn
Indian Cherry
Froelichia floridanaPlains Snakecotton
Froelichia floridana var. floridanaFlorida Snakecotton
Plains Snakecotton
Froelichia gracilisSlender Snakecotton
Fraxinus nigraBlack Ash
Fraxinus pennsylvanicaGreen Ash
Red Ash
Swamp Ash
River Ash
Water Ash
Darlington Ash
Fraxinus profundaPumpkin Ash
Fragaria vescaWoodland Strawberry
California Strawberry
Wood Strawberry
Fragaria virginianaVirginia Strawberry
Wild Strawberry
Fragaria virginiana ssp. virginianaVirginia Strawberry
Fuirena pumilaDwarf Umbrella Sedge
Dwarf Umbrella-sedge
Dwarf Umbrellasedge
Fuirena squarrosaHairy Umbrella Sedge
Galium aparineStickywilly
Catchweed Bedstraw
Common Bedstraw
Sticky Weed
Goose Grass
Galium asprellumRough Bedstraw
Gaylussacia baccataBlack Huckleberry
Galium borealeNorthern Bedstraw
Galium circaezansLicorice Bedstraw
Galium circaezans var. circaezansLicorice Bedstraw
Forest Licorice Bedstraw
Northern Bedstraw
Galium circaezans var. hypomalacumLicorice Bedstraw
Forest Licorice Bedstraw
Northern Bedstraw
Galium concinnumShining Bedstraw
Gaylussacia dumosaDwarf Huckleberry
Gaylussacia frondosaBlue Huckleberry
Galium hispidulumCoastal Bedstraw
Coast Bedstraw
Gaultheria hispidulaCreeping Snowberry
Galium labradoricumNorthern Bog Bedstraw
Galium lanceolatumLanceleaf Wild Licorice
Galium latifoliumPurple Bedstraw
Galium obtusumBluntleaf Bedstraw
Galium obtusum ssp. filifoliumBluntleaf Bedstraw
Galium obtusum ssp. obtusumBluntleaf Bedstraw
Galium palustreCommon Marsh Bedstraw
Galium pilosumHairy Bedstraw
Galium pilosum var. puncticulosumHairy Bedstraw
Galium pilosum var. pilosumHairy Bedstraw
Gaultheria procumbensEastern Teaberry
Gamochaeta purpureaSpoonleaf Purple Everlasting
Early Cudweed
Galactia regularisEastern Milkpea
Galearis spectabilisShowy Orchid
Purple-hooded Orchid
Gay Orchid
Galium tinctoriumStiff Marsh Bedstraw
Galium trifidumThreepetal Bedstraw
Galium triflorumFragrant Bedstraw
Sweet-scented Bedstraw
Galium trifidum ssp. trifidumThreepetal Bedstraw
Galactia volubilisDowny Milkpea
Geum aleppicumYellow Avens
Gentiana andrewsiiClosed Bottle Gentian
Closed Gentian
Bottle Gentian
Gentiana andrewsii var. andrewsiiClosed Bottle Gentian
Andrews' Bottle Gentian
Fringe-tip Closed Gentian
Closed Gentian
Gentiana autumnalisPine Barren Gentian
Gentiana catesbaeiElliott's Gentian
Geranium carolinianumCarolina Geranium
Wild Geranium
Carolina Cranesbill
Geum canadenseWhite Avens
Geranium carolinianum var. carolinianumCarolina Crane's-bill
Carolina Cranesbill
Carolina Geranium
Gentiana clausaBottle Gentian
Blind Gentian
Gentianopsis crinitaGreater Fringed Gentian
Fringed Gentian
Geum laciniatumRough Avens
Geum laciniatum var. laciniatumRough Avens
Gentiana linearisNarrowleaf Gentian
Narrow-leaved Gentian
Geranium maculatumSpotted Geranium
Wild Geranium
Gentianella quinquefoliaAgueweed
Five-flowered Gentian
Stiff Gentian
Gentianella quinquefolia ssp. quinquefoliaAgueweed
Stiff Gentian
Geum rivalePurple Avens
Water Avens
Geranium robertianumRobert Geranium
Herb Robert
Geranium robertianum ssp. robertianumRobert Geranium
Herb Robert
Red Robin
Death Come Quickly
Gentiana saponariaHarvestbells
Soapwort Gentian
Gentiana saponaria var. saponariaHarvestbells
Soapwort Gentian
Geum vernumSpring Avens
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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention