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Lycopodium digitatumFan Clubmoss
Running Cedar
Ground Pine
Lycopodiella ×gilmaniiGilman's Clubmoss
Lycopodium ×habereriClubmoss
Haberer's Clubmoss
Lycopodium hickeyiPennsylvania Clubmoss
Lysimachia hybridaLowland Yellow Loosestrife
Lycopodiella inundataInundated Clubmoss
Bog Clubmoss
Northern Bog Clubmoss
Northern Bog Club-moss
Lysimachia lanceolataLanceleaf Loosestrife
Lance-leaved Loosestrife
Lyonia ligustrinaMaleberry
Lythrum lineareWand Lythrum
Saltmarsh Loosestrife
Lyonia ligustrina var. ligustrinaMaleberry
Lyonia marianaPiedmont Staggerbush
Lycopodium obscurumRare Clubmoss
Common Ground-pine
Flat-branched Ground-pine
Tree Clubmoss
Lygodium palmatumAmerican Climbing Fern
Hartford Fern
Creeping Fern
Windsor Fern
Lysimachia ×productaHybrid Yellow-loosestrife
Yellow Loosestrife
Lysimachia quadrifoliaWhorled Yellow Loosestrife
Whorled Loosestrife
Prairie Loosestrife
Lycopus rubellusTaperleaf Water Horehound
Lysimachia terrestrisEarth Loosestrife
Swamp Candles
Lysimachia thyrsifloraTufted Loosestrife
Lycopodium tristachyumDeeproot Club-moss
Blue Ground-cedar
Northern Ground-pine
Lycopus uniflorusNorthern Bugleweed
Lycopus uniflorus var. uniflorusNorthern Bugleweed
Northern Water-horehound
Lycopus virginicusVirginia Water Horehound
Virginia Bugleweed
American Water Horehound
Sweet Bugleweed
Water Bugle
Carpenter's Herb
Greeen Archangle
Purple Archangle
Paul's Betony
Egyptian's Herb
Magnolia acuminataCucumbertree
Cucumber Tree
Mountain Magnolia
Malus angustifoliaSouthern Crabapple
Narrowleaf Crabapple
Wild Crabapple
Southern Crab
Narrowleaf Crab
Wild Crab
Malus angustifolia var. angustifoliaNarrow-leaved Crabapple
Southern Crab Apple
Southern Crabapple
Malus angustifolia var. puberulaAmerican Crabapple
Fragrant Crabapple
Garland Tree
Southern Crab Apple
Sweet Crabapple
Malaxis bayardiiBayard's Adder's-mouth Orchid
Malaxis brachypodaWhite Adder's-mouth Orchid
Maianthemum canadenseCanada Mayflower
False Lily-of-the-valley
Malus coronariaSweet Crabapple
American Crab
Malus ioensisPrairie Crabapple
Iowa Crabapple
Western Crabapple
Prairie Crab
Iowa Crab
Western Crab
Malus ioensis var. ioensisIowa Crabapple
Prairie Crab Apple
Prairie Crabapple
Western Crabapple
Malaxis monophyllosAdder's-mouth Orchid
White Adder's Mouth
White Adder's Tongue
Maclura pomiferaOsage Orange
Bois d' Arc
Horse Apple
Hedge Apple
Naranjo Chino
Monkey Brains
Maianthemum racemosumFeathery False Lily Of The Valley
False Solomon's Seal
Feathery False Solomon's Seal
False Spikenard
Solomon's Plume
Maianthemum racemosum ssp. racemosumFeathery False Lily Of The Valley
False Spikenard
False Solomon's Seal
Solomon's Plume
Matteuccia struthiopterisOstrich Fern
Maianthemum stellatumStarry False Lily Of The Valley
Starry False Solomon's Seal
Star-flowered Solomon's Seal
Magnolia tripetalaUmbrella Tree
Umbrella Magnolia
Maianthemum trifoliumThree-leaf False Lily Of The Valley
Three-leaved False Lily Of The Valley
Three-leaf Solomon's Seal
Three-leaved Solomon's Seal
Malaxis unifoliaGreen Adder's-mouth Orchid
Magnolia virginianaSweetbay
Sweetbay Magnolia
Southern Sweetbay
Swamp Magnolia
Sweet Magnolia
Small Magnolia
Laurel Magnolia
White Bay
White Laurel
Swamp Laurel
Beaver Tree
Mentha arvensisWild Mint
Menispermum canadenseCommon Moonseed
Melampyrum lineareNarrowleaf Cow-wheat
Narrow-leaved Cow-wheat
Cow Wheat
Melampyrum lineare var. latifoliumNarrowleaf Cowwheat
Melampyrum lineare var. lineareNarrowleaf Cowwheat
Melampyrum lineare var. pectinatumAmerican Cow-wheat
Feather-leaf Cow-wheat
Narrowleaf Cow-wheat
Narrowleaf Cowwheat
Melica muticaTwoflower Melicgrass
Two-flower Melic Grass
Menyanthes trifoliataBuckbean
Medeola virginianaIndian Cucumber
Indian Cucumber-root
Mertensia virginicaVirginia Bluebells
Mimulus alatusSharpwing Monkeyflower
Sharp-winged Monkeyflower
Minuartia carolinianaPine Barren Stitchwort
Pinebarren Stitchwort
Mitella diphyllaTwoleaf Miterwort
Milium effusumAmerican Milletgrass
Milium effusum var. cisatlanticumAmerican Milletgrass
Mirabilis hirsutaHairy Four O'Clock
Mitella ×intermediaIntermediate Miterwort
Mirabilis linearisNarrowleaf Four O'Clock
Minuartia michauxiiMichaux's Stitchwort
Bog Mock Sandwort
Michaux's Mock Sandwort
Rock Sandwort
Micranthemum micranthemoidesNuttall's Mud-flower
Nuttall's Mudflower
Nuttall's Mudwort
Minuartia michauxii var. michauxiiMichaux's Stitchwort
Mimulus moschatusMuskflower
Mimulus moschatus var. moschatusMuskflower
Mirabilis nyctagineaHeartleaf Four O'Clock
Mitella prostrataCreeping Bishop's Cap
Mitchella repensPartridgeberry
Running Box
Pigeon Plum
Mimulus ringensAllegheny Monkeyflower
Square-stemmed Monkeyflower
Square-stem Monkeyflower
Mimulus ringens var. ringensAllegheny Monkeyflower
Mikania scandensClimbing Hempvine
Climbing Hempweed
Morella caroliniensisSouthern Bayberry
Swamp Bayberry
Swamp Candleberry
Morella ceriferaWax Myrtle
Southern Wax Myrtle
Southern Bayberry
Eastern Bayberry
Tallow Shrub
Monarda clinopodiaWhite Bergamot
Monarda didymaScarlet Beebalm
Oswego Tea
Red Bergamot
Monarda fistulosaWild Bergamot
Monarda fistulosa ssp. fistulosaWild Bergamot
Monarda fistulosa var. fistulosaWild Bergamot
Wild Bee Balm
Monarda fistulosa var. mollisWild Bergamot
Monarda fistulosa var. rubraWild Bergamot
Monotropa hypopitysPinesap
Moehringia laterifloraBluntleaf Sandwort
Morella ×macfarlaneiBayberry
Monarda mediaPurple Bergamot
Morella pensylvanicaNorthern Bayberry
Monarda punctataSpotted Beebalm
Spotted Horsemint
Monarda punctata ssp. punctataSpotted Beebalm
Spotted Bee-balm
Dotted Horsemint
Monarda punctata var. punctataSpotted Beebalm
Spotted Bee-balm
Dotted Horsemint
Monarda punctata var. villicaulisSpotted Beebalm
Morus rubraRed Mulberry
Morus rubra var. rubraRed Mulberry
Monotropa unifloraIndianpipe
Indian Pipe
Mollugo verticillataGreen Carpetweed
Muhlenbergia capillarisGulf Muhly
Hair-awn Muhly
Hairy-awn Muhly
Hair Grass
Pink Muhly
Muhlenbergia frondosaWirestem Muhly
Muhlenbergia glomerataSpiked Muhly
Muhlenbergia mexicanaMexican Muhly
Leafy Satingrass
Wirestem Muhly
Muhlenbergia schreberiNimblewill
Muhlenbergia soboliferaRock Muhly
Muhlenbergia sylvaticaWoodland Muhly
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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention