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Sphaeralcea digitata ssp. digitataJuniper Globe-mallow
Juniper Globemallow
Slippery Globemallow
Sphaeralcea digitata ssp. tenuipesJuniper Globe-mallow
Juniper Globemallow
Slippery Globemallow
Spiranthes eatoniiEaton's Ladies'-tresses
Eaton's Lady's Tresses
Spermolepis echinataBristly Scaleseed
Sphaeralcea emoryiEmory Globe Mallow
Emory's Desertmallow
Emory's Globe-mallow
Emory's Globemallow
Sparganium emersumEuropean Bur-reed
European Bur Reed
Sparganium eurycarpumBroadfruit Bur-reed
Giant Bur-reed
Great Bur-reed
Sphaeralcea fendleri ssp. albescensThicket Globemallow
Sphaeralcea fendleri ssp. elongataThicket Globemallow
Sphaeralcea fendleri ssp. fendleriFendler's Globemallow
Sphaeralcea fendleri ssp. tripartitaThicket Globemallow
Sphaeralcea fendleri ssp. venustaThicket Globemallow
Sparganium fluctuansFloating Bur-reed
Spiranthes floridanaFlorida Ladies'-tresses
Florida Lady's Tresses
Spermacoce floridanaFlorida False Buttonweed
Spiranthes ×folsomiiLadies'-tresses
Lady's Tresses
Spigelia gentianoidesPurpleflower Pinkroot
Purple Flower Pink Root
Spigelia gentianoides var. gentianoidesPurpleflower Pinkroot
Sphaeralcea gierischiiGierisch Mallow
Gierisch's Globe-mallow
Gierisch's Globemallow
Sparganium glomeratumClustered Bur-reed
Clustered Bur Reed
Spermacoce glabraSmooth False Buttonweed
Sphaeralcea grossulariifoliaGooseberryleaf Globemallow
Current-leaf Globe-mallow
Gooseberry-leaf Globe-mallow
Sphaeralcea grossulariifolia ssp. grossulariifoliaCurrant-leaf Globemallow
Gooseberry-leaf Globemallow
Gooseberryleaf Globemallow
Sphaeralcea grossulariifolia ssp. pedataCurrant-leaf Globemallow
Gooseberry-leaf Globemallow
Gooseberryleaf Globemallow
Spermolepis hawaiiensisHawai'i Scaleseed
Hawaii Scaleseed
Spigelia hedyotideaPrairie Pinkroot
Prairie Pink Root
Sparganium hyperboreumNorthern Bur-reed
Spermolepis inermisRed River Scaleseed
Spreading Scaleseed
Spiranthes ×intermediaLadies'-tresses
Lady's Tresses
Spiranthes infernalisAsh Meadows Ladies'-tresses
Ash Meadows Lady's Tresses
Sphaeralcea incana ssp. cuneataGray Globemallow
Soft Globe-mallow
Soft Globemallow
Sphaeralcea incana ssp. incanaGray Globemallow
Spiranthes ×itchetuckneensisLadies'-tresses
Lady's Tresses
Sphaeralcea janeaeJane's Globemallow
Sphaeralcea laxaCaliche Globemallow
Spermolepis laterifloraWestern Bristly Scaleseed
Rillito Valley Scaleseed
Side-flowering Scaleseed
Nesom's Scaleseed
Spiranthes laciniataLace-lip Ladies'-tresses
Lace-lip Lady's Tresses
Spiranthes laceraNorthern Slender Ladies'-tresses
Slender Ladies'-tresses
Slender Lady's Tresses
Spiranthes lacera var. gracilisSouthern Slender Ladies'-tresses
Slender Ladies'-tresses
Slender Lady's Tresses
Spiranthes lacera var. laceraNorthern Slender Ladies'-tresses
Slender Lady's Tresses
Spiranthes longilabrisGiant-spiral Ladies'-tresses
Giant Spiral Lady's Tresses
Spigelia loganioidesFlorida Pinkroot
Florida Pink Root
Levy Pinkroot
Spiranthes lucidaShining Ladies'-tresses
Shining Lady's Tresses
Spergularia macrothecaLarge Flowered Sand Spurry
Sticky Sand-spurrey
Sticky Sandspurry
Spigelia marilandicaWoodland Pinkroot
Indian Pink
Spiranthes magnicamporumGreat Plains Ladies'-tresses
Great Plains Lady's Tresses
Spergularia macrotheca var. leucanthaSticky Sand-spurrey
Sticky Sandspurry
White Sticky Sand Spurry
Spergularia macrotheca var. longistylaLong Styled Sand Spurrey
Sticky Sand-spurrey
Sticky Sandspurry
Spergularia macrotheca var. macrothecaSticky Sand Spurry
Sticky Sand-spurrey
Sticky Sandspurry
Spiranthes ×meridionalisLadies'-tresses
Lady's Tresses
Sphaeralcea munroanaMunro's Globemallow
White-stem Globe-mallow
Sphaeralcea munroana ssp. munroanaMunro's Globemallow
Sphaeralcea munroana ssp. subrhomboideaWhitestem Globemallow
Sparganium natansSmall Bur-reed
Spiranthes ochroleucaYellow Nodding Ladies'-tresses
Yellow Nodding Lady's Tresses
Spiranthes odorataMarsh Ladies'-tresses
Fragrant Ladies'-tresses
Marsh Lady's Tresses
Sphaeralcea orcuttiiCarrizo Creek Globe-mallow
Carrizo Creek Globemallow
Carrizo Mallow
Spiranthes ovalisOctober Ladies'-tresses
October Lady's Tresses
Spiranthes ovalis var. erostellataOctober Ladies'-tresses
October Lady's Tresses
Spiranthes ovalis var. ovalisOctober Ladies'-tresses
October Lady's Tresses
Sphaeralcea parvifoliaSmallflower Globemallow
Small-leaf Globe-mallow
Spiranthes parksiiNavasota Lady's Tresses
Navasota Ladies'-tresses
Sphaeralcea pedatifidaPalm-leaf Globe-mallow
Palmleaf Globemallow
Spirodela polyrrhizaCommon Duckmeat
Giant Duckweed
Sphaeralcea polychromaHot Springs Globe-mallow
Hot Springs Globemallow
Spiranthes porrifoliaCreamy Ladies'-tresses
Western Ladies'-tresses
Western Lady's Tresses
Spiranthes praecoxGreenvein Ladies'-tresses
Greenvein Lady's Tresses
Sphaeralcea proceraLuna County Globe-mallow
Luna County Globemallow
Porter's Globe Mallow
Spermacoce prostrataProstrate False Buttonweed
Sphaeralcea psoraloidesPsoralea Globemallow
Scurfpea Globe-mallow
Spiranthes romanzoffianaHooded Ladies'-tresses
Hooded Lady's Tresses
Sphaeralcea rusbyiCutleaf Globemallow
Rusby's Globe-mallow
Rusby's Globemallow
Sphaeromeria ruthiaeZion Chickensage
Zion Tansy
Sphaeralcea rusbyi ssp. eremicolaRusby's Desert Mallow
Rusby's Globemallow
Rusby's Panimint Mallow
Sphaeralcea rusbyi ssp. gilensisGila Globemallow
Sphaeralcea rusbyi ssp. rusbyiRusby's Globemallow
Spergularia salinaSalt Sandspurry
Sphaeromeria simplexLaramie Chickensage
Laramie False Sagebrush
Spiranthes ×simpsoniiLadies'-tresses
Lady's Tresses
Spermacoce tenuiorSlender False Buttonweed
Spigelia texanaTexas Pinkroot
Spermacoce tetraquetraPineland False Buttonweed
Spermacoce terminalisEverglades Key False Buttonweed
Spiranthes tortaSouthern Ladies'-tresses
Southern Lady's Tresses
Spiranthes tuberosaLittle Ladies'-tresses
Little Lady's Tresses
Spiranthes vernalisSpring Ladies'-tresses
Spring Lady's Tresses
Sphaeralcea wrightiiWright's Globe-mallow
Wright's Globemallow
Stylisma abditaShowy Dawnflower
Austin's Dawnflower
Hidden Stylisma
Stenotus acaulisStemless Mock Goldenweed
Stemless Goldenweed
Stachys ajugoidesBugle Hedgenettle
Bugle Hedge-nettle
Ajuga Hedge Nettle
Hedge Nettle
Stachys albensWhitestem Hedgenettle
Stachys alabamicaAlabama Hedgenettle
Stanleya albescensWhite Princes' Plume
White Desert Plume
Stellaria alaskanaAlaska Starwort
Stellaria alsineBog Chickweed
Bog Stitchwort
Streptanthus albidusMetcalf Canyon Jewel Flower
Metcalf Canyon Jewelflower
White Jewelflower
Streptanthus albidus ssp. albidusMetcalf Canyon Jewel Flower
Metcalf Canyon Jewelflower
Streptanthus albidus ssp. peramoenusMost Beautiful Jewel Flower
Most Beautiful Jewelflower
Stellaria americanaAmerican Chickweed
American Starwort
Streptopus amplexifoliusClaspleaf Twistedstalk
Claspleaf Twisted-stalk
White Mandarin
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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention