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16,934 Results:   10  25  50 100 per page

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Thelypteris sclerophyllaStiff Maiden Fern
Stiff Star-hair Fern
Thelypteris serrataDentate Lattice-vein Fern
Thymophylla setifoliaTexas Pricklyleaf
Thymophylla setifolia var. greggiiTexas Pricklyleaf
Thelypodiopsis shinnersiiRio Grande Tumble-mustard
Rio Grande Tumblemustard
Thelesperma simplicifoliumSlender Greenthread
Navajo Tea
Thelypteris simulataBog Fern
Massachusetts Fern
Thalictrum sparsiflorumFewflower Meadow-rue
Thalictrum sparsiflorum var. richardsoniiMountain Meadow-rue
Richarson's Meadow Rue
Richarson's Meadow-rue
Richarson's Meadowrue
Thalictrum sparsiflorum var. saximontanumFew Flowered Meadow Rue
Fewflower Meadow-rue
Fewflower Meadowrue
Mountain Meadow-rue
Thelypodium stenopetalumSlender-petal Thelypody
Slender-petaled Mustard
Slenderpetal Thelypody
Thelesperma subnudumNavajo Tea
Thelesperma subnudum var. marginatumNavajo Tea
Thelesperma subnudum var. subnudumNavajo Tea
Thalictrum texanumHouston Meadow-rue
Thamnosma texanaTexas Desert-rue
Dutchman's Breeches
Rue Of The Mountains
Ruda Del Monte
Thelypodium tenueBig Bend Thelypody
Texas Thelypody
Thelypodium texanumTexas Thelypody
Thelypteris tetragonaFreetip Maiden Fern
Freetip Starhair Fern
Thalassia testudinumTurtle-grass
Thymophylla tenuilobaBristleleaf Pricklyleaf
Thymophylla tephroleucaAshy Pricklyleaf
Ashy Dogweed
Thymophylla tenuiloba var. tenuilobaBristleleaf Pricklyleaf
Thymophylla tenuiloba var. texanaTexas Bristleleaf
Thymophylla tenuiloba var. treculiiTrecul's Pricklyleaf
Thymophylla tenuiloba var. wrightiiWright's Pricklyleaf
Thalictrum thalictroidesRue Anemone
Thaspium trifoliatumPurple Meadowparsnip
Purple Meadow Parsnip
Thurovia trifloraThreeflower Snakeweed
Thaspium trifoliatum var. aureumYellow Meadow Parsnip
Golden Alexanders
Thaspium trifoliatum var. trifoliatumPurple Meadowparsnip
Thelypodiopsis vaseyiLas Vegas Tumblemustard
Las Vegas Tumble-mustard
Thalictrum venulosumVeiny Meadow-rue
Thelypodiopsis vermicularisGreat Basin Tumble-mustard
Great Basin Tumblemustard
Thermopsis villosaCarolina Bushpea
Aaron's Rod
Bush Pea
Thelypteris waileleWaioli Valley Maiden Fern
Thelypodium wrightiiWright's Thelypody
Wright Thelypody
Thelypodium wrightii ssp. oklahomenseOklahoma Thelypody
Wright Stanleyella
Wright's Thelypody
Thelypodium wrightii ssp. wrightiiWright Stanleyella
Wright's Thelypody
Tilingia ajanensisFalse Snowparsley
False Snow-parsley
Tinantia anomalaFalse Dayflower
Widows Tears
Tillandsia baileyiGiant Ball Moss
Reflexed Airplant
Tillandsia balbisianaNorthern Needleleaf
Tillandsia bartramiiBartram's Airplant
Tidestromia carnosaFleshy Honeysweet
Tiquilia canescens var. canescensWoolly Crinklemat
Woody Crinklemat
Dog's Ear
Oreja De Perro
Rat's Ear Coldenia
Woody Tiquilia
Gray Tiquilia
Gray Coldenia
Shrubby Coldenia
Tiarella cordifoliaHeartleaf Foamflower
Heart-leaf Foamflower
Tiarella cordifolia var. austrinaHeart-leaf Foamflower
Heart-leaved Foam-flower
Heartleaf Foamflower
Tiarella cordifolia var. collinaHeartleaf Foamflower
Wherry's Foamflower
Tiarella cordifolia var. cordifoliaMountan Foamflower
Heartleaf Foamflower
Tipularia discolorCrippled Cranefly
Tillandsia fasciculataQuill-leaf Airplant
Cardinal Airplant
Clustered Wild-pine
Common Wild-pine
Tillandsia fasciculata var. clavispicaCardinal Airplant
Common Wild Pine
Giant Airplant
Quill-leaf Airplant
Stiff-leaved Wild-pine
Tillandsia fasciculata var. densispicaCardinal Airplant
Common Wild Pine
Giant Airplant
Quill-leaf Airplant
Stiff-leaved Wild-pine
Tillandsia fasciculata var. fasciculataCardinal Airplant
Common Wild Pine
Giant Airplant
Quill-leaf Airplant
Stiff-leaved Wild-pine
Tillandsia flexuosaTwisted Airplant
Tillandsia ×floridanaAirplant
Florida Airplant
Tidestromia gemmataHoneysweet
Trans-Pecos Honeysweet
Tiquilia gossypinaTexas Crinklemat
Tidestromia lanuginosaWoolly Tidestromia
Tiquilia latiorMatted Crinklemat
Mat Criklemat
Mat Tiquilia
Woody Tiquilia
Tiquilia nuttalliiNuttall's Crinklemat
Rosette Crinklemat
Nuttall's Tiquilia
Annual Tiquilia
Nuttall's Coldenia
Tidestromia oblongifoliaArizona Honeysweet
Tillandsia paucifoliaPotbelly Airplant
Tiquilia plicataFanleaf Crinklemat
Fan-leaf Crinklemat
Fanleaf Tiquilia
Fan-leaved Tiquilia
Plicate Coldenia
Tillandsia pruinosaFuzzy-wuzzy Airplant
Tillandsia recurvataSmall Ball Moss
Ball Moss
Tillandsia setaceaSouthern Needle-leaf
Needle-leaf Airplant
Needle-leaf Wild Pine
Tillandsia simulataManatee River Airplant
Florida Airplant
Broad Needle-leaf
Tithonia thurberiArizona Sunflowerweed
Tiarella trifoliataThreeleaf Foamflower
Three-leaved Foamflower
Western Foamflower
Tiarella trifoliata var. laciniataThree-leaf Foamflower
Threeleaf Foamflower
Tiarella trifoliata var. trifoliataThree-leaf Foamflower
Threeleaf Foamflower
Trifoliate Laceflower
Tiarella trifoliata var. unifoliataOneleaf Foamflower
Western Foamflower
Sugar Scoop
Tillandsia usneoidesSpanish Moss
Tillandsia utriculataSpreading Airplant
Giant Wild-pine
Swollen Wild-pine
Tillandsia variabilisLeather-leaf Airplant
Tonestus aberransIdaho Goldenweed
Townsendia alpigenaWyoming Townsend Daisy
Tonestus alpinusAlpine Serpentweed
Townsendia alpigena var. alpigenaWyoming Townsend Daisy
Townsendia alpigena var. caelilinensisWyoming Townsend Daisy
Townsendia alpigena var. minimaWyoming Townsend Daisy
Townsendia annuaAnnual Townsend Daisy
Townsendia apricaLast Chance Townsend Daisy
Tolumnia bahamensisFlorida Dancing-lady Orchid
Dancing-lady Orchid
Variegated Orchid
Tofieldia coccineaNorthern Asphodel
Townsendia condensataCushion Townsend Daisy
Townsendia condensata var. anomalaCushion Townsend Daisy
Townsendia condensata var. condensataCushion Townsend Daisy
Townsendia eximiaTall Townsend Daisy
Townsendia exscapaStemless Townsend Daisy
Stemless Townsend-daisy
Easter Daisy
Tonestus eximiusLake Tahoe Serpentweed
Townsendia fendleriFendler's Townsend Daisy
Tonella floribundaGreater Baby-innocence
Large-flowered Tonella
Many-flower Tonella
Manyflower Tonella
Townsendia floriferShowy Townsend Daisy
Townsendia formosaSmooth Townsend Daisy
Tofieldia glabraCarolina Bog-asphodel
White Featherling
White False Asphodel
Smooth Bog-asphodel
Smooth False Asphodel
Smooth Tofieldia
Carolina Asphodel
False Asphodel
Townsendia glabellaGray's Townsend Daisy
Townsendia grandifloraLargeflower Townsend Daisy
Large-flower Townsend-daisy
scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery

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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention