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Wildflower Center Store

Welcome to the online version of the Store at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. The Store sells many items - gifts, books, apparel, kitchenware, toys, and more - which celebrate the beauty of wildflowers, other native flora, and helpful native fauna. All of your purchases from the Store benefit the research and educational programs at the Wildflower Center.

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Shop by Category: Centennial

Lady Bird Johnson - An Oral History

$ 29.95


Michael L. Gillette. Over a span of eighteen years, Lady Bird Johnson recorded forty-seven oral history interviews with Michael Gillette and his colleagues. The former First Lady recounts a life lived with one of the most powerful presidents of the 20th century. She shares dramatic accounts of pivotal moments in American history during the eventful decades from the 1930s through the 1960s. This book shows how instrumental Lady Bird Johnson’s support and guidance were in her husband’s political career and how she herself emerged as a significant political force. Hardcover. 400 pages.