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Wildflower Center Store

Welcome to the online version of the Store at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. The Store sells many items - gifts, books, apparel, kitchenware, toys, and more - which celebrate the beauty of wildflowers, other native flora, and helpful native fauna. All of your purchases from the Store benefit the research and educational programs at the Wildflower Center.

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Shop by Category: Gifts

Gardeners Soap Set

$ 20.90


The hand scrub is enriched with botanical oils and extracts and blended with exfoliating loofah and apricot seed (16 oz). Shea butter lotion is enriched with shea and cocoa butter (16 oz). Exfoliating soap enriched with shea butter, clove oil, orange oil and blended with apricot seed and organic oat flour (10.5 oz). Clean, fresh, healthy!