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Shop by Category: Books

Rare Plants of Texas

$ 35.00


Since 1987, when Texas Parks and Wildlife Department botanists published their first in-house summary of Texas' threatened plants, more than 225 species have been identified and described as endangered, imperiled, or declining. Because most of these plants are too rare to be mentioned, much less pictured, in standard field guides, only a handful of botanists have known what these plants or their habitats look like. Complete with photographs, line drawings, and county maps, this book describes the officially listed, candidate, and species-of- concern plants in Texas. Individual accounts include information on distribution, habitat, physical description, flowering time, federal and state status, similar species, and published references. The authors also provide brief introductory chapters on the state's vegetation regions; the history of plant conservation in Texas; federal, state, and other ranking methods; threats to native plants; recovery methods; and reporting guidelines. 656 pages. Flexbound with flaps.