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Wildflower Center Store

Welcome to the online version of the Store at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. The Store sells many items - gifts, books, apparel, kitchenware, toys, and more - which celebrate the beauty of wildflowers, other native flora, and helpful native fauna. All of your purchases from the Store benefit the research and educational programs at the Wildflower Center.

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Shop by Category: Books

Lone Star Wildflowers: A Guide to Texas Flowering Plants

$ 29.95


Lashara J. Nieland and Willa F. Finley. A wonderful new guide that reveals the science, ecology and rich lore of Texas flowers. Nearly 500 full-color photographs, grouped by color, with information on uses of each flower for landscaping, water conservation, medicines and food. Coverage of growth cycles, depicting young plants, buds, mature seed heads and fruits as well as flowers. A new, exciting field guide for wildflower enthusiasts! 321 pages. Paperback.