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Wildflower Center Store

Welcome to the online version of the Store at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. The Store sells many items - gifts, books, apparel, kitchenware, toys, and more - which celebrate the beauty of wildflowers, other native flora, and helpful native fauna. All of your purchases from the Store benefit the research and educational programs at the Wildflower Center.

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Shop by Category: Books

Native Trees for North American Landscapes

$ 59.95


Guy Sternberg with Jim Wilson. The benefits of utilizing and preserving native trees is becoming increasingly important. Recognizing indigenous species versus exotic cultivars is the first step on a journey of education and appreciation. The authors explore in practical detail the vast quantity and variety of native plant material found from the Atlantic coast to the Continental Divide. Over 650 different species are included in this easily read study. Alphabetically arranged by botanic name, each profile is packed with valuable information. More than 500 color photographs. Hardcover. 552 pages.