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Wildflower Center Store

Welcome to the online version of the Store at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. The Store sells many items - gifts, books, apparel, kitchenware, toys, and more - which celebrate the beauty of wildflowers, other native flora, and helpful native fauna. All of your purchases from the Store benefit the research and educational programs at the Wildflower Center.

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Shop by Category: Books

Trees, Shrubs, and Vines of the Texas Hill Country

$ 24.00


If you think of the Texas Hill Country as mostly dry limestone slopes of cedar and scrub oak, prepare to have your eyes opened. In the second edition of this book, Jan Wrede has compiled a field guide to more than 125 species of mostly native, mostly woody plants of the Texas Hill Country. Plant descriptions contain information about the leaves, flowers, fruit and bark of each plant and also give insight into the species' range and habits. A color photograph accompanies each account. Paperback. 259 pages.