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The Importance of Genetics

There are concerns about introducing species into a region where they were not previously growing. If you are not familiar with these concerns, please read the Importance of Genetics.

Selecting a Suitable Supplier

It is important that anyone contacting suppliers in this directory understand that it is their own responsibility to ensure that they are getting a reliable and quality product. For help choosing a supplier, please read Selecting a Suitable Supplier.

Seed Definitions

It is helpful to become familiar with seed terms when ordering seed to assist you in making informed decisions. Please review seed terms by visiting the page on Seed Definitions.


National Suppliers Directory

This directory has been compiled to make it easier to find businesses that sell native plants or seeds and provide professional landscape or consulting services. Use the search options below to find help for your native plant needs or click here to add your business to the directory. Associates are providers of native plant services who offer Wildflower Center members a discount on merchandise or services. To qualify, at least 50% of an Associate's projects or inventory must use native plants.

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172 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

namebusiness categoryassociate% nativelocation
Countryside Nursery and LandscapeNursery
Landscape Professional
75Austin, TX
Countryside TreesNursery
75San Antonio, TX
Cow Camp Landscaping & NurseryLandscape Professional
Fort Davis, TX
Crespo Consulting Services, Inc.Environmental Consultant25Austin, TX
Dallas Nature CenterNursery
75Dallas, TX
David Michael, LLCLandscape Professional
Environmental Consultant
100Austin, TX
Desertland NurseryNursery
Seed Company
50El Paso, TX
Dixie Watkins III & AssociatesLandscape Professional
Environmental Consultant
75San Antonio, TX
Douglass King Co., Inc.Seed Company
50San Antonio, TX
dwg.Landscape Professional
100Austin, TX
Earth CompanyLandscape Professional
Austin, TX
Eco Blossom NurseryNursery
75Fort Worth, TX
Landscape Professional
Chireno, TX
Eleanor McKinney landscape Architect, Inc.Landscape Professional
Austin, TX
Elizabeth McGreevy Environmental Consultant100Austin, TX
Farmer's Nursery, Inc.Nursery
Leander , TX
Feldman Design StudiosLandscape Professional
100Richardson, TX
Fertile Ground Garden CareLandscape Professional
75Austin, TX
Flowers' Gardens & LandscapesLandscape Professional
50Wylie, TX
Friendly NativesNursery
Landscape Professional
75Fredericksburg, TX
Fringe Gardens, LLCLandscape Professional
Spring, TX
Green Creek/Nursery DirectNursery
Stephenville, TX
Green Lake NurseryNursery
25Seagoville, TX
Greenleaf Nursery Co.Nursery
El Campo, TX
Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife SanctuaryNursery
Landscape Professional
Environmental Consultant
75McKinney, TX
Heep's NurseryNursery
100Harlingen, TX
Horizon Environmental Services, IncEnvironmental Consultant100Austin, TX
International Paper/ Texas Super Tree NurseryNursery
75Bullard, TX
J. Robert Anderson Landscape ArchitectsLandscape Professional
100Austin, TX
Jarreau & Associates, IncLandscape Professional
Environmental Consultant
75Houston, TX
Joshua's Native Plants, Inc.Nursery
25Houston, TX
Justin Seed Co.Seed Company
25Justin, TX
Kings Creek GardensNursery
50Cedar Hill, TX
LKS Garden DesignsLandscape Professional
Plano, TX
Lovejoy GardensLandscape Professional
75Wimberley, TX
McNeal GrowersNursery
Environmental Consultant
100Cedar Creek, TX
Michael Parkey, Landscape ArchitectLandscape Professional
Environmental Consultant
100Dallas, TX
Miller Nursery & Tree Co.Nursery
25Stepenville, TX
Mostly Texas Natives NurseryNursery
75Dallas, TX
Native GardensLandscape Professional
Austin, TX
Native OrnamentalsNursery
75Mertzon, TX
Native Texas Garden DesignsLandscape Professional
75Plano, TX
Native Texas NurseryNursery
75Austin, TX
New World BotanicalNursery
Landscape Professional
100Montgomery, TX
Northrup Associates, Inc.Landscape Professional
Houston, TX
Oaks Of The Wild West NurseryNursery
75Austin, TX
Painted Flower Farm, Inc.Nursery
50Denton, TX
Pearson|s Tree PlaceNursery
50Canutillo, TX
Perez Ranch NurseryNursery
100La Joya, TX
100Converse, TX
namebusiness categoryassociate% nativelocation

172 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page